Hello ! We are back again to my design works. Today, I will share my Professor Gorilla Logo works that I also sell on graphicriver marketplace. This logo is very unique, though. Inspired by Beast Character from X-Men Universe. Beast is known as a, beast (LOL). Though, he tends to be a smart and intelligent creature while also capable of kicking some ass. I incorporated Beast identity to this logo, and turned it out into Gorilla character.

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Anyway, this logo is sale for 28 bucks and if you are interested you can purchase it directly through this link : https://graphicriver.net/item/professor-gorilla/19341504

However, if you want an exclusive license for this logo, you can also contact me. I have sold an exclusive logo from my graphicriver portfolio. Once the logo was purchased, i directly erased it from my graphicriver portfolio and gave the buyer the full rights of ownership to use and edit the logo. This service is also available for my other work.

Anyway, if you are looking for a graphic designer service, feel free to contact me via mail on :


Cheers !